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Delicious Veggie Rolls

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

These delicious vegetarian rolls are fun and simple to make, and no doubt will remain a staple in any home as well as being a perfect vegetarian option at your next hosted event. Yummy and packed with nutrition, these goodies also have no added salt or sugar. Perfect for children who also struggle to get their veggies in.


- 2pk of frozen puff pastry (thawed)

- 2 cans of chickpeas (liquid drained)

- 1 large sweet potato

- 1 large onion

- 1 bag of frozen spinach (thawed and water squeezed out - this can be done using a cloth)

- 1 1/2 cups corn (frozen or canned)

- 2/3 cup shredded cheese

- cumin, turmeric and nutmeg to taste (optional)


1. Ensure puff pastry has thawed completely. Pre-heat oven to 180°C. Line two baking trays with baking paper.

2. Dice sweet potato and onlon finely.

3. In a saucepan place diced sweet potato, corn and chickpeas and cover with water. Place lid on saucepan and cook on low-medium heat. Bring to boil and remove from heat once sweet potato is soft enough to pierce.

4. Remove vegetables from heat and drain in a colander. Place vegetables in a heatproof bowl and mash until relatively smooth. Stir in thawed spinach and allow to cool - you may place in fridge to speed up process.

5. Once mixture is cool, add the onion and cheese. Stir until well combined. If you are adding spices, now is the time to do so.

6. Assemble puff pastry flat on surface. Place filling onto pastry horizontally at the outer edge closest to you, filling to a moderate amount.

7. Once you are done filling pastry, begin to roll upwards ensuring to cover and 'wrap' pastry around filling until you can no longer roll. Gently pat the pastry roll down to evenly distribute filling towards the ends of the pastry. Repeat.

8. Once all pastry is rolled, place in freezer for 15-20 min to make them easier to cut.

9. Remove pastries from freezer and brush lightly with butter or milk. Cut into equal segments and place on baking tray.

*Note: depending on how much filling you have put in the puff pastry you may or may not need an extra tray

10. Place pastries in oven and cook for approximately anywhere between 15-20min depending on oven. Check in on rolls every 10min to ensure you do not overcook them.

11. Veggie rolls should be ready when they are golden and crispy.

There you have it! A simple and delicious vegetarian recipe for all to enjoy.

Stay healthy and happy,

~ Herwarcry

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