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23 Positive Affirmations for Self-Care

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

An affirmation can be a powerful string of words, a phrase or statement that has the potential to spread positive energy and affirm our beliefs. When we create or use affirmations we do so by keeping in mind what we want, need and hope for ourselves as if it

is already true. You can repeat these words or phrases to yourself daily or whenever you feel yourself losing focus and/or motivation. You may also write out and stick these words or phrases up in your home or somewhere in your direct line of vision as positive daily reminders.

Here are a few phrases I have compiled to aid you on your wellness journey. You can say these to yourself anywhere at any time, shout it out or quietly whisper it to yourself with purpose, let these words be an anchor for you to move forward and find inner strength.

Try some of these:

I am a person of worth and my words matter.”

“I am strong, I am intelligent and I am worthy.

“I have come so far on this journey of life, and I will continue to go further.”

“I can move mountains.”

“I know who I truly am.”

“All life is sacred, including my own.”

“I am strong, I am brave and I am resilient. Nothing will keep me from persevering.”

“My name is …….. I am……. and…….. I know who I am.”

“I deserve to live, and be happy”.

“I will put myself first”.

“I believe in myself.”

“I am enough.”

“I accept and love who I am, flaws and all.”

"I deserve to love and be loved."

“I will not compare myself to others, everyone is on their own unique journey.”

“Other people's successes are not my failures.”

"My mistakes are not my failures. I am stronger now because of them."

"I forgive myself."

“I cannot and will not be broken”.

"I deserve to heal and I will start now".

"I will no longer be hard on myself. I am proud of who I am."

"I accept wealth and abundance into my life. I am worthy of receiving good things."

"I am not a burden to others. I am valued."

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13 avr. 2020

Do you have experience in using mantras for wellness? What helps you to find inner peace and positive energy? Please feel free to share in the comment section below :)

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